Hit with the Ugly Stick
If you more closely resemble Gollum then Brad Pitt, have no fear, you too can date attractive women. This seems like a pipe dream for many men, but if you know how women work you can understand why "that girl is with him". While being easy on the eyes can really help a guy get a woman, any woman no matter how attractive, this can be especially true when it comes to the women who inspire car accidents and double takes, however there are exceptions to the rule most definitely. Once you know the exceptions, you can use them to your advantage.
The number one thing to remember is that if you have an award winning personality, then you don't need to be so concerned about how your look. Women are much less aesthetically inclined. Looks almost always fall second place to a man who has a good heart. This is a big reason why you will see men with women who look way out of their league. Most women know that the real good looking men are jerks because they are aware how easily they can get women to fall all over them. This fact alone makes normal women, not the stuck up and full of them self kind, stay away from the extremely attractive men. So, what your mom told you when you were a kid really is true, it is what is on the inside that matters.
Another reason you will see the hunchback with Selma Hayek on his arm, is because a guy who does not show up his date in looks is very desirable to women. Think about how long a woman takes to get ready to go out. She wants to look even better than she normally does and so she will primp and spackle for hours until she looks just perfect. A guy, who is not so much the stunning specimen of a perfect man, is perfect to accentuate a beautiful woman. She wants all the eyes to be on her, not him, so when she has a man that is average looking she will ensure that she is what the focus of attention is. This also can be related to those men who now have a phrase especially for them, the metrosexuals. If you don't know what a metrosexual is, don't worry, most people don't, but a metrosexual is a man who spends the same amount of time and energy on his appearance as a woman, or a homosexual male. Most real women, not the fake kind that you would find in Hollywood or L.A., do not want a man who spends more time getting ready then they do. They also do not want a man who would back out of a fight if someone disrespected his lady, because he doesn't want to get his new $300 pink, button up silk shirt dirty. A woman spends a lot of time ensuring that she is the center of attention for a reason, and no man should take this away from her. Besides, it is better that she is the focus, because a beautiful woman on a man's arm makes him that much more attractive.
Yet another thing to keep in mind about the way women think is that they are all about the inner man. They want a man who will make them feel like they are the most beautiful thing in the entire world, and a man who really knows that he is lucky to have a beautiful woman, will always appreciate her. This is where the male models really lose out. They care only about looks because they want a woman that will match their beauty, in doing so they miss out on the women who have a well rounded beauty that goes much deeper than their botox. This is where the average man scores. When you treat a woman with respect, and you show them that you are there for much more than the looks of a woman, this is what makes for a good relationship and this is what opens the door for even the most troll looking men. A woman is ultimately looking for substance in a relationship and if you can provide that then you do not even have to worry about the Fabio's of the world. In this also you have to realize that in a lot of ways the woman you see before you at the present probably didn't always look the way she does now. A guy who is average looking will really do well for himself to find women who do not look like they stepped off the red carpet and instead look for the women who are still beautiful but are not swarmed with the model men. Barbie and Ken can have each other, they are beautiful on the outside but completely hollow inside, and really that would not make for any kind of a relationship. Scope out instead, the women who do not resemble a plastic doll. Even those who look a bit sloppy will, when a man adores and loves them, start to dress and groom better to ensure that her man looks good. A potential knock out can serve you better than the store bought kind anyway.
Labels: date attractive women, dating, dating advise, relationships, what women want in a man
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