Best Sexual Positions - For Getting Pregnant
Contrary to what anyone may think, a pregnant woman has strong sexual urges, as well as her partner, and there is no reason not to indulge them.
Pregnancy sex positions takes into account the obvious temporary changes in the woman's anatomy.
Being pregnant is not being ill, and with some common sense and knowledge, the couple's sex life can continue without interruption.
Pregnancy Segments
A pregnancy is truly divided into three segments.
During the first trimester of 90 days, the woman's body is undergoing vast hormonal and physiological changes, even if she does not exhibit such changes.
These include breast changes, quite frequent urination, nausea, and so on.
The second trimester is the basic growth period, where the body has settled down, and besides a slow gradual growth; the woman suffers mostly from the inability to concentrate.
The last trimester has the most changes, with additional hormonal changes, large belly growth, constant urination and moodiness. Nevertheless, in most couples the desire for sexual relations does not abate.
The Best Pregnancy Sex Positions
Obviously the couple can forget the missionary and all lady-on-her -back positions. This however gives the happy couple the ability to really experiment and retain all the loving tenderness that is that glue that
keeps couples together.
A word of caution.
Each of the positions described below need a great deal of feedback from the woman during the whole process. Furthermore , the man must refrain from any sudden or spasmodic movements, and rather, adapt to the woman's changed physiology.
Lady on Top.
This is best position for the last trimester, but is fine throughout the whole pregnancy. The woman is in control and can control the depth of the man's penis as it penetrates her, and the speed of the movements.
Cliff Hanger.
This is a great position for the couple and very much loved by the man. The woman will lay face up on the edge of the bed, but her legs are hanging off the bed with her feet on the floor. The man approaches her from the front either standing or kneeling, and easily penetrates the woman. As the man can penetrate very deeply, the woman must caution him to go slow and follow her advise on how deep to go and how fast to thrust.
The Two Spoons.
A great position, with pregnancy or not, it allows for no pressure at all on the woman's belly and abdomen areas. The couple lay side to side, and the man enters from the rear. The penetration is not too deep, and the movement can be coordinated as in a slow and romantic dance.
Easy Doggy Position.
Here the woman is on her hands and knees, and the woman's belly is able to hang without discomfort. The man enters from behind, and the woman can use some pillows to support her upper torso. The man can trust without worry, and as penetration is not as deep as would be expected, there is very little discomfort to the woman.
It is advised that couple try and stimulate the clitoris either manually or orally. This will give the woman great pleasure, and without any fear of consequences. However, the woman is also advised to not to do this laying on her back after the 16th week (4th month) of the pregnancy. It can be done easily in a sitting or standing situation.
So enjoy this wonderful time in the couple's lives, and keep your sexual life alive and well.
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Labels: best sexual positions, fertility, getting pregnant, increase fertility, pregnancy tips
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