Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dating - When Your Body Behaves Wrong

When you are all set to go on a date, here are a few guidelines to prevent you show wrong body language that can turn your partner off.

We shall talk about general mistakes people commit on dates.

First rules is, do not display that you have got anxiety.
We shall tell you how your body will try to reveal it even if you do not want to show it.

People generally shred napkins, foolishly sit on hands , and start playing with anything they get like their cell phone.

Feeling a bit nervous on your date is quite natural. That means you have got the flow of energy. That is a good thing. You just need to learn how to manage this flow of energy.

If you are looking quite nervous, you do not have to reveal it at any cost. Be calm, take deep breath.

Once you start feeling somewhat comfortable, your fear will go away and that energy level will help you a lot.

Another important thing is, never put your finger in your mouth. Some people have the very bad habit of doing it when they get nervous.

When you feel nervous, try to feel relaxed and let her talk more. Pay attention to what she says.

This is the best part about the girls; you can sit with them without speaking. All you need to do is, listen to them, and here you have cast your magic. Believe me it works.
Try these tips next time when you go on a date



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